Dublin Rose seems to love our Gothica Clutch….

Roisin Lyons

I always remember the Rose of Tralee being on TV growing up, like the Eurovision, it was just something that everyone watched every year.  A tradition for the family to sit down and watch each of the Roses, to see the dresses and what each party piece was going to be!!  As I got older and started working and socialising, it was a tradition that was lost along the way.  I forgot about the Rose of Tralee and it wasn’t something I tuned into each year anymore.  That is until I was asked to sponsor our stunning Dublin Rose, Roisin Lyons in the 2014 Rose of Tralee Festival.

Roisin Lyons Gothica Clutch Dublin RoseGothica Clutch (Black Velvet Fabric)

I was reminded of this festival which I had kind of forgotten all about.  I was delighted to sponsor Roisin and we quickly got about to deciding which clutches would compliment her outfits best.  I started following The Rose of Tralee on Facebook & Twitter to keep up with events and to catch a glimpse of Roisin throughout the festivities.  Well, I must admit, I was totally surprised to see that The Rose of Tralee is more than just 2 nights of chatting to 32 girls from around the world, all dressed in pretty dresses!  It’s a huge sequence of events, from street entertainment, music, funfairs, fireworks and much more.  I enjoyed following the updates of the Roses who travelled across the Country with fashion shows, balls, boat trips and photo-shoots to keep them entertained.  The Rose of Tralee festival is a massive event which brings tourists to our shores from far and wide.  I began to see why Kerry simply loves this 55 year tradition, it seems to get bigger and better every year!!

Roisin Lyons Gothica Clutch Dublin Rose of TraleeGothica Clutch (Black Velvet Fabric)

So it was with great anticipation we watched the live shows, waiting to see how Roisin would get on.  Roisin was so relaxed and most definitely did Dublin proud in her live performance.  Drumming up lots of supporting messages on Facebook & Twitter, which got #DublinRose trending throughout the evening.  If you missed it, you can view Roisin here: Roisin Lyons, Dublin Rose of Tralee

Well the final night came around and I was so surprised to be so excited about hearing who would be crowned the Rose of Tralee 2014. I was in Leitrim for the evening, so in a bar with everyone glued to the TV, much chat about who would or should win it!  The Leitrim crowd obviously supporting their Rose, Zara Healy.  Myself the only Dub in the corner, shouting for Roisin!

Roisin Lyons White bellaWhite Leather Bella Envelope Clutch (Held by Roisin’s Escort!)

In the end, Maria Walsh, the Philadelphia Rose, who was one of the top favourites throughout the Festival was crowned this years Rose of Tralee 2014.  While us Dubs were routing for Roisin Lyons to win, we must congratulate Maria. Its a fantastic experience and she will have an busy but enjoyable year ahead as she takes on the Rose duties!

Our #DublinRose may not have been crowned the Rose of Tralee 2014, though I certainly think she can hold her head high! Roisin is definitely a shining ambassador, who did Dublin proud on the night.


#UptheDubs !