We are delighted to bring you a new and exciting approach to shopping for women’s handbags & accessories.

Our aim is to remove the stress of shopping for a handbag to match with an outfit or pair of shoes. With you,

we will design the perfect bag.  We personally take care of every detail which goes into designing and making

your new bag.  Each piece is unique. They are designed & handmade to an exceptional standard.  We only use

the best quality fabrics, rhinestones, zippers and frames, to ensure each bag is perfect for the fashion conscious

and sophisticated woman. During the design process, you can express your personal preferences. Our Design

service allows you to assist in designing a bag which suits your individual style & personality.

We are thrilled to be the first to offer this service in Ireland.

Our design fee is charged on an individual basis depending on the new bag design & materials required.

Our design fee includes the cost of consultation, sourcing of fabrics for your new bag, the overall design & bag pattern making.

Designer handbags at a price you can afford!

Our products are handmade in Ireland, however we will ship worldwide, so give us a call

today to have your bag designed for you.

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